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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pakar IT: Sudah Saatnya Pejabat Dilengkapi Jaringan Khusus

JAKARTA - Pakar Teknologi Komunikasi Sarwoto Atmosutarno, menegaskan liberalisasi telekomunikasi yang diberlakukan sejak 1995 telah menyebabkan TIK Indonesia terlalu terbuka, baik secara pengelolaan maupun pemilihan teknologi. Salah satu dampak paling buruk dari liberalisasi ini adalah komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh jajaran pejabat pemerintahan yang seyogyanya sarat pengamanan terabaikan dan mendapatkan perlakuan layaknya komunikasi publik. Sementara, disain komunikasi publik adalah jaringan terbuka yang rawan penyadapan. “Cyber War itu nyata dan tidak perlu deklarasi perang. Geopolitik dan geostrategi mendesak kita untuk segera membangun cyber defense berbasis teknologi terestrial maupun ruang angkasa/satelit berbasis digital,” ujar Sarwoto Atmosutarno kepada Okezone, Kamis (21/11/2013). Sejak liberalisasi, terang Sarwoto, jaringan telekomunikasi militer dan keamanan Indonesia tertinggal dibanding jaringan telekomunikasi publik. Ketertinggalan ini kemudian diperparah dengan belum adanya kesadaran akan pentingnya keberadaan cyber war dan cyber defense di kalangan pembangun dan pengelola jaringan tersebut yang seharusnya segera direalisasikan dan tidak hanya menjadi wacana. Karena itu, sudah selayaknya jaringan komunikasi publik yang dimiliki pejabat mendapat perhatian khusus, sehingga tidak lemah dan mudah di jangkau oleh pihak asing, tegas mantan Ketua Asosiasi Telekomunikasi Selular Indonesia (ATSI).

Perang Cyber Indonesia-Australia Memanas

CI2 Bandung – Meskipun sempat beredar isu adanya kerja sama antara hacker Anonymous Indonesia dengan Australia dalam meretas situs milik badan intelijen Australia, ternyata ulah hacker Indonesia yang meretas ratusan situs Australia yang “tak bersalah” membuahkan balas dendam bagi para hacker asal negeri Kanguru itu. Air Force Cyber Command online for future operations Baru-baru ini beberapa situs strategis Indonesia pun akhirnya harus mendapatkan bagiannya untuk diretas. Sejumlah situs di Indonesia mulai dijadikan target serangan hacking, di antaranya soloairport.com, situs Garuda Indonesia Airways, situs Angkasa Pura dan situs pendidikan. Namun demikian, semua kabar itu sebenarnya tidak pernah dikonfirmasi secara pasti oleh pihak pemerintah. Hal itu menimbulkan keresahan bagi pihak-pihak yang hari ini memanfaatkan layanan internet dalam berbagai keperluan mereka. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Kementerian Kominfo, Gatot S. Dewa Broto melalui keterangan tertulis, Rabu (20/11/2013). Saat ini Kementerian Kominfo melalui Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (Id-SIRTII) terus melakukan investigasi dan berkoordinasi dengan pihak Australia Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-Australia). Tujuannya adalah untuk menurunkan iklim ketegangan yang terjadi akibat berita tentang penyadapan oleh badan Intelejen Australia yang membuat sejumlah pihak marah. Sejauh ini, hasil investigasi yang dilakukan tidak menunjukkan adanya informasi yang valid tentang perang antar hacker tersebut. Sehingga semua pihak perlu melakukan klarifikasi agar tidak menimbulkan kesimpangsiuran yang berpotensi dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak yang ingin mengambil keuntungan tertentu.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hacker linked to Anonymous gets 10-year sentence

A computer programmer linked to the online hacktivist group Anonymous who pleaded guilty to hacking the intelligence firm Stratfor was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison, prosecutors said. Jeremy Hammond, 28, whose case has been supported by digital rights activists and others, also was part of a group which broke into the FBI computer network and later delivered documents to WikiLeaks, according to investigators. He was sentenced by a US federal judge in New York after pleading guilty in May to conspiracy charges in connection with the 2011 hack of Stratfor. "As he admitted through his plea of guilty, Jeremy Hammond launched a series of computer hacks that stole confidential information pertaining to companies, law enforcement agencies, and thousands of innocent individuals," US Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement. "His sentence underscores that computer hacking is a serious offense with damaging consequences for victims, and this office is committed to punishing the perpetrators of such crimes." Officials said Hammond and his co-conspirators stole Stratfor emails as well as account information for approximately 860,000 Stratfor subscribers. Officials also say the group stole credit card information from 60,000 credit card users and used that to make more than $700,000 in unauthorized charges. His supporters claim he was exposing wrongdoing, some comparing him to Chelsea Manning, the US army private prosecuted for giving some 700,000 classified diplomatic and military documents to WikiLeaks. The "Free Jeremy" website claims Hammond was prosecuted for "leaking information... which revealed that Stratfor had been spying on human rights activists at the behest of corporations and the US government." The Electronic Frontier Foundation argued in a brief that Hammond "did not profit financially as a result of his actions, but rather, exposed uncomfortable truths." Hammond read a statement in court claiming his acts were "civil disobedience." "The acts of civil disobedience and direct action that I am being sentenced for today are in line with the principles of community and equality that have guided my life," the statement text said. "I hacked into dozens of high profile corporations and government institutions, understanding very clearly that what I was doing was against the law... But I felt that I had an obligation to use my skills to expose and confront injustice -- and to bring the truth to light." Hammond also highlighted the role of a government informant, Hector Monsegur, known by his nickname Sabu, in the case. "I had never even heard of Stratfor until Sabu brought it to my attention," he said. "Sabu was encouraging people to invade systems, and helping to strategize and facilitate attacks. He even provided me with vulnerabilities of targets passed on by other hackers, so it came as a great surprise when I learned that Sabu had been working with the FBI the entire time." The intrusions "were suggested by Sabu while cooperating with the FBI," and foreign government websites as well, according to Hammond's statement. Hammond was among five people indicted in 2012 alleged to be members of Anonymous, Lulz Security and other international hacking groups. The indictments cover some of the most notorious hacking incidents of the past several years including those against Sony Pictures Entertainment, Stratfor and computer security firm HBGary. Hammond, who could have faced a longer prison sentence before his "non-cooperating plea agreement," admitted his involvement in computer intrusions into the FBI Virtual Academy, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and other government networks. The Hammond case is linked to that of Barrett Brown, a journalist and former spokesman for Anonymous who faces up to 105 years in prison. The Brown case is being watched by media rights activists who argue that he was targeted for sharing links of Hammond's hacked materials. But he also faces charges of threatening a federal agent. His trial is due next year in a Texas federal court.

Public Statement From @ItsKahuna over Sentencing

Recently a well known hacktivist John Anthony Borell III aka @ItsKahuna was sentenced to 3 years jail with a $227,736 restitution fine and 3 years supervised release which is set to start by 6th of December 2013. Today Borell has released a statement via a 3rd party from his twitter account which has been inactive since 24th April 2012. The Statement is a detailed explanation as to what has happened and also clears a few things up for some people who thought he assisted police some way or another. Along with the statement comes with message to some of ItsKahuna’s online friends who have supported him along the way. There are many people I miss sharing such good times with. @doxcak3 @VizFoSho @NASDAQEnema @MotormouthNews @anomally100 @katanon and @AnonO_o @Anonw0rmer @anonylulz just to name a few. Also @VinceintheBay still missing listening to your show. It also has another section in which talks about he will be inside soon and people are welcome to send letters but he is not expecting any. I will be locked up here soon and if anyone wants to write me or speak it won’t be hard to get a hold of me through mail. Do I expect letters, no, but I feel the opportunity should be there if anyone wants to take the chance. Borell has also added a copy of his (PSR) pre-sentence report as you can see below which outlines the exact costs for each alleged attack that was carried out. rzszru5 v05b1uf Full statement. Where to even begin, I honestly do not know what to say. So much has happened in the past year and a half, I am at a loss for a way to even start writing. It’s been a journey since my arrest, obviously with court and just trying to maintain a somewhat normal life with what was obvious as my impending imprisonment. I want to thank everyone who has stood there by me since this all began; I don’t even know where to begin expressing myself when it comes to the events that have transpired. Obviously, there were all of those who assumed I snitched on Hig and others. This has been saddening to me since the start. I don’t know where all of these rumors began, but they were started off of assumptions and just grew into something bigger and bigger. The constant flip-flop of everyone as to their view of it has not ceased to amaze me. I haven’t addressed these claims myself, and to be honest, I have had little interest in doing so. I was focusing on what was happening in my life at the time, and really needed to spend some time focusing on me. It has been a difficult time for me since this all began, as you can imagine, and I really just needed to get away from it all and improve myself. Did I assist the FBI in the arrest of Hig? It’s quite apparent this has been the topic on everyone’s mind during this all. There is such a simple answer to it, no. I mean, is it not overly apparent by the fact that his arrest warrant was issued by the court before I was even raided? I have seen such a loose understanding of the federal court system since this began in all those that have spread these rumors. I suppose before my arrest my true understanding of the court system was quite small as well, and to be honest, I can’t blame those who jumped to rash conclusions so quickly. It was just weeks before my arrest that the information about Sabu turning and working in cooperation with the government came to light, tensions were high. That makes sense to me. What is beyond me is that no one truly addressed me and asked me how things were. They made rash assumptions that I was cooperating based on such outlandish theories. In the interest of squashing this ridiculous assumption that I cooperated in attempt to reduce my sentence, and aided in the arrest of Hig or others whom I was friends with. Included are photos of my PSR, the section being Factors that May Warrant Departure. For a summary of what this section is you can look at the websites included at the bottom of this page. The basics of this are that the PSR is used in sentencing. In the federal court system your sentence is based off of both your criminal background and a point system which gives you a level based off of your crime. It uses the federal sentencing guidelines to determine this level, which is represented in month-month sentence, for example 24-36 months. The federal sentencing guidelines require the judge to sentence the offender based on this system. In order for the judge to sway from these guidelines in sentencing other certain factors must exist to give him/her cause to do so. In this section of the PSR, which the judge reads before sentencing, it will clarify if any of those factors are present in a case. The most common departure being if a defendant cooperates with the government and assists in the prosecution of others. As you can see in my court documents which are included, there is no downward departure applicable in my case. Thus, my sentence is that of my sentencing guidelines and not reduced due to cooperation. (This document is not public, in all cases it is sealed at sentencing; obviously I have a copy, thus my ability to share it). It has been a long journey since this all began, I have had obviously not the easiest time in the world and now have just weeks before I must report to prison, in which I was sentenced 3 years, $227,736 restitution, and 3 years supervised release. Though I’m sure this you already know. I honestly don’t care what you think of this message, I’m sharing it because it’s what I wanted to do. Had I had the ability to show this sooner, I would have,but I had nothing but my word in the past and we all know minds were made and that would have done no good. With my impending sentence I have found myself reminiscing lately on the old days. There are many people I truly miss and who I had so many good times with. So many good memories I have of all of you, memories that will always remain with me. There are many people I miss sharing such good times with. @doxcak3 @VizFoSho @NASDAQEnema @MotormouthNews @anomally100 @katanon and @AnonO_o @Anonw0rmer @anonylulz just to name a few. Also @VinceintheBay still missing listening to your show. I truly hope you are doing well Hig, and hope for an early release for you. You have a child and wife to take care of and that’s the most important thing in life right there. No matter what you may think, you were always a friend and always will be in my eyes. I hav loved every bit of getting to know you and working with you It further saddens me to see the fate of many who were always standing for their causes. Specifically, sup_g. I could go on and on about how ridiculous I find 10 years on a case started by entrapment led by the FBI through sabu, or the ridiculousness of Judge Preska not recusing herself with such a conflict of interest, as her husband being named in the release. One should never suffer consequences for exposing something that is wrong in the world. I hope you stay strong Jeremy and know that what you did will never be forgotten. The government can never stop the truth from getting out. To all of those who dislike Sarah or feel she fucked things up for me online: I honestly don’t care about your opinion on that subject, I really don’t. I have a new chapter of my life unfolding ahead of me and have had a huge change thus far in it. She has been there for me through thick and thin, helping me grow as a person and making me happy with who I am, and that will not change. She is my wife and anyone who truly cares about me or the friendships we have had will respect me enough to understand that. I will be locked up here soon and if anyone wants to write me or speak it won’t be hard to get a hold of me through mail. Do I expect letters, no, but I feel the opportunity should be there if anyone wants to take the chance. More and more freedoms are taken away from us. They are taken away little by little, under whatever reason they choose to give at the time, be it in the name of national security or something else. People go about their everyday lives not caring even the slightest as their freedoms are taken right in front of their eyes. Something that never made any sense to me at all. Privacy is becoming a forgotten thing of the past as mass surveillance has progressed as an everyday thing in the world. I dont think I truly understood, truly appreciated these freedoms till I lost those that I had left, living under constant monitor and having to report all my activities to the government. Having to go away for years. Its something I would wish on no one. I hope everyone who is still out there, still trying to make a difference understands how important they are in the grand scheme of things. Appreciate the freedom you have, use every minute wisely to do better. You never know when it wont be there anymore. I still have such hope for all of you, as I have grown to know you all over the past few years I have found something in each of you. You all have something great to offer to the world, something great you can do with your lives. I am so glad I have had the privilege of getting to know you all and being able to call you my friends. I truly still believe so much in people’s ability to make a difference in the world. To make a change, and I know that it will happen. I know that I will watch the world shape into a better place in my lifetime. It’s all got to start somewhere; each person has the ability to make that difference. I appreciate everyone reading this and hope sometime in the future our paths will cross again. @ItsKahuna #FreeHammond #Freew0rmer #FreeManning #FreeBarretBrown PSR EXPLAINATION http://www.prisontalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271 United States Federal Sentencing Guidelines http://www.ussc.gov/Guidelines/2013_Guidelines/Manual_PDF/index.cfm Photos Of PSR http://i.imgur.com/RzsZru5.jpg?1?8373 http://i.imgur.com/v05B1uF.jpg?1?4737


What's Hot - When examined further , the hacker world is indeed very interesting to dive , especially when they know that it is still a very young age , and most of them are still in junior high and high school. Muhammad Isfahani example , owner & founder in Computer Network Engineering of Indonesia , admitted learning about hacking since 2nd grade junior high school , but had to learn computer programming languages ​​since the 4th grade . Isfahani who has a name of the virtual world was deeply interested zp3nz4s clicking - exploit exploit website and database , although not want to be called a hacker . " Yesterday I was challenged to hack the website of the Turkish state data management , " he said . CEO and programmer in Spensav Antivirus also revealed that there are two kinds of hackers , the hacker black hat and a black or white or white hat hackers . Generally , white hat hackers do not want to be called , they prefer to be called a programmer . White Hat community is usually to help the websites to appear with a warning that the website has a bug , while Black Hat , is a hacker community that focuses just want to increase the popularity of the name . Isfahani who was still sitting on the bench SMK Al Depok immigrants were admitted daily like other high school kids , stay in school despite often late to school because of staying up . "If the level - levelan I think there is not , because the majority of hackers in Indonesia took us all the same, there's no term mastah / newbie , " he said . Isfahani obsession itself is secure websites like Indonesia and from his own community , want to deface websites that berkonten pornography , spam , phishing , viruses , gambling , and others . " However , many Indonesian children who can be abused even hacking hack websites for Indonesia to make her ' FAMOUS ' and I had heard the news yesterday , that he just wanted to hack web Indonesia on TV , " he said .

Hacker Indonesia scrambles the data NASA and the CIA

news hot on working today of the BIG INDONESIA CYBER ALL COMUNITY - Not just a DDoS attack and deface only form that it can be done by Indonesian hacker to attack government websites to cybernya Australia . Just now, the virtual world Evils also managed to collect some data secret from the CIA Australia . it was first revealed by named www.facebook.com/steril1337 Facebook account . Account with the alias Black'April expose various data from the Australian government system database which is then stored in a pastebin . Some data revealed could also be classified as a state secret categories . This is because it involves the data from the CIA , NASA , and a variety of missions that will be held by the agency . For the first data is data about the leaked CIA agent Nguyen Ricard . This data is copied into pastebin http://pastebin.com/7RnbRxa6 . Data concerning both the username and password in the account owner Ozi Pilots Online , a website that indexes the various activities of the pilots flew Australia . This data is leaked in http://pastebin.com/7FKJLytP . Meanwhile, the data on pilot and NASA missions revealed through http://pastebin.com/Dv95UUwq . In addition , many more are revealed in the pastebin . Until now own cyber war that raged in Australia has not shown signs over. Until now , hackers Indonesia continues to shed various affiliate websites so that governments of the kangaroo

Anonymous Australia: "Is (hackers) Indonesia can do other things besides DDoS? Probably not

"Anonymous Australia: "Is (hackers) Indonesia can do other things besides DDoS? Probably not?!" Hot News - Tension in the cyber realm Australia and Indonesia still heating up. Not only inter-attack and disable the website, both parties also mutually scoffed at Twitter. In a Twitter account with the name Operation Australia, @ Op_Australia, dated Nov 13, there is a twit that says, "We are NOT at War with Indonesia." However, perhaps due to the hackers still only Indonesian randomly attack, then make the Australian hacker exasperation. In too many of these accounts once loathed each other and debate between Indonesia and Australia. Tensions began to escalate back and the admin Twitter Australian Operation hooked to write twit, "What (hacker) Indonesia can do other than DDoS? Probably not."

Countries Where Have The Most Powerful Cyber ​​Army?

In the modern era , as now, wars occurred between countries not only physically and rely on heavy weaponry . Battlefield it often happens in the cyber realm involving the intervention of the world -class hacker . Related News Indonesian Hacker Attack Expected It provoked Malaysia Indonesian Hacker Attack Expected It provoked Malaysia After Australia , Indonesian Hacker Calls # OpMalaysia After Australia , Indonesian Hacker Calls # OpMalaysia This problem has become a serious concern for a number of countries . Some developed countries even reported to have built a fort with a cyber power budget is not small . Cyber ​​warriors or soldiers prepare to repel them and protect important investments the government from attack by hackers . Then, exactly which countries have the infrastructure and human resources in the strongest bulwark cyber world ? Although not published its cyber force , page Hacker News estimates that China is a country with terdahsyat cyber power in the world to date . Not only protect the state's investment , the Chinese cyber soldiers also allegedly often launch attacks to other countries , especially the United States
For example , in the year 2002 ago , China accused had attacked hundreds of computer systems belonging to the U.S. pemerintahab . The attack was then known as the digital code war ' Titan Rain ' . Unmitigated the Titan Rain attacks when the Chinese claimed to seize about 20 terabytes of critical data from U.S. government computer networks . Strength of the Chinese cyber army reportedly has the support of the citizens of the community . Civilian hacker groups from China named People's Liberation Army is suppose to be the leading contributor to a number of Chinese cyber attacks rival state .

Indonesian Hacker Attack Expected It provoked Malaysia

Liputan6.com , Jakarta : Call staged cyber attack codenamed # OpMalaysia attracted a lot of interest in the social media account owners in Indonesia. Even not a few who participated expressed readiness to support and participate in the movement . Related News Beginning attack , Site Ombudsman In - hack Anonymous Australia Beginning attack , Site Ombudsman In - hack Anonymous Australia 4 Facts Cyber ​​Hacker War Indonesia vs Australia 4 Facts Cyber ​​Hacker War Indonesia vs Australia In response, the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Leadership - ID SIRTII , M. Salahuddien , strongly appealed to the hacker group from Indonesia is not necessarily an invitation provoked attack Malaysian websites are . Because, according to the impact of cyber warfare would only muddy the relations between the two countries , not to mention the innocent victim is hurt . Generally, victims of cyber warfare more come from sites owned by civilians who actually do not have anything to has to do with the root of the problem is clear . " It 's just vandalism irresponsible group of persons who use the momentum . Absolutely nothing to do with nationalism . Do not easily provoked , many innocent parties who are inevitably going to be a victim , " Didi said when contacted by telephone Liputan6.com Tekno Team , Monday ( 18/11/2013 ) . He further explains , " The cyber war criminal , socially damaging internet Indonesia in the eyes of the world . Highly jeopardize our development of Internet technology in the future . " Movement 's own # OpMalaysia crowded appear in your Twitter timeline and Facebook after it was rumored that the hacker from Malaysia is the main mastermind group Anonymous dispute between Indonesia and Australia . They are considered to have pitted the two sides . Previously, the rumored site Angkasa Pura and Garuda Indonesia had been hacked ( hacking ) and lose a number of key corporate data . Australia reported that the Anonymous was responsible for the attack. But lately the rumor emerged that the Malaysian hackers hacking mastermind who became two important sites of the Indonesian air transportation

Cyber ​​warfare heats up and Make Murky Atmosphere (INDONESIA VS AUSTRALIA)

Action alleged wiretapping committed Australia to the Indonesian intelligence service to make the increasingly warm relations . Anonymous hackers reportedly even Australia started to attack strategic infrastructure owned by Indonesia .Related NewsStarting offensive , Ombudsman Site Hacked Anonymous AustraliaStarting offensive , Ombudsman Site Hacked Anonymous Australia4 Facts Indonesian Hacker Cyber ​​War Vs Australia4 Facts Indonesian Hacker Cyber ​​War Vs Australia
Perang Cyber Memanas dan Bikin Keruh Suasana
This information was revealed from someone who declared himself as Anonymous Australia on site pastebin.com . Not a cyber war seems inevitable. Number of sites in Indonesia from hacking attacks become targets , among soloairport.com , Garuda Indonesia Airways site , the site Angkasa Pura and educational sites .
This allegedly hacking activity was the result of a plea Snowden stated that the United States and Australia have allegedly doing the tapping of information held by a number of countries, including Indonesia . Previously Anonymous Indonesia reportedly also been doing hacking into Australian government -owned strategic infrastructure .
" Information - information is triggering anxiety, polemic and question marks from various parties about what actually happened , " said the Head of Information and Public Relations Center Kominfo Ministry Gatot S. Dewa Broto through written evidence , Wednesday ( 20/11/2013 ) .
For that reason, according to Gatot , the Ministry Kominfo through Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure ( Id- SIRTII ) continues to perform investigation and coordination with the Australian Computer Emergency Response Team ( CERT - Australia ) so that the information does not add to the tension between their each country .
" So far , the results of the investigation that the information can not be held responsible circulate the truth, " said Gatot again.
Reporting information related to this compromise is very potential to trigger anxiety of each party , in particular the Internet users to use the internet safely and healthy . Even this can be used by parties who wish to take advantage of this situation is not clear .

CYBER warfare, Indonesian Hacker ITS GOOD!! DONT WORY WE WILL WIN

Cyber ​​war between hackers Indonesian and Australian hackers allegedly still ongoing to this day . Head of the State Intelligence Agency ( BIN ) Marciano Norman was not too worried .
" Indonesian Hacker magnate . Cook we lose anyway , " he told reporters at his office , Wednesday, November 20, 2013 .
Anonymous hackers Australia have declared a cyber war with Indonesia and ready devastated renowned websites from Indonesia . No exception Portal VIVA.co.id.
About this threat , sure Marciano sites in Indonesia has its own security so it is difficult to crack . Even so , he still reminded that site managers in Indonesia should remain alert and tightened security , especially government sites . " By scalable , we evaluated the ability of government websites , especially of Communications and Information Technology , " he said .
Furthermore , he is also judging Indonesia hackers who break into the site should be arrested . " What a shame Indonesia that its websites were hacked , " he said .
To know the current condition of the sites and recover damaged , you can monitor it in www.status.ws .
This cyber war triggered hacking scandal that made ​​Australia the mobile phone of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , First Lady Ani Yudhoyono and a number of senior Indonesian officials in 2009 . The scandal revealed two mass media , The Guardian and The Sydney Morning Herald .

Also Sadap 33 Million U.S. Telephone Communications in Norway

Norwegian daily , Daglabet , launched the country were also subjected to the practice of espionage by the United States . Espionage was once again dismantled by former U.S. contractors Intelligence Agency ( NSA ) Edward J. Snowden in the document entitled ' Norway - 30 Days ' that he leaked .
The Nordic Page Page Norway , 19 November 2013 , released a document that showed that between the period 10 December 2012-8 January 2013 , the NSA has been eavesdropping on phone calls Norwegians 33,186,042 . The news of the horrendous torn country's top officials .
Former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg were still serving when tapping it happened , he did not know the extension of the monitoring carried out by the intelligence agencies of uncle Sam . " I am not at all informed about the monitoring as reported by the media , " said Stoltenberg told NRK media .
Stoltenberg said the most important thing at this time is not mention how large -scale wiretapping by the U.S. , but rather to clarify what actually happened .
Furies are also visible on the faces of the Minister of Justice of Norway , Anders Anundsen . He calls the NSA action is unacceptable . " Actions taken by the Allies to spy on political antarpemimpin unacceptable , " he said .
Noise rejection also emerged from the politicians , one of them the leader of the Socialist Left Party , Audun Lysbakken . " Wiretapping scandal Dagbladet revealed a serious matter . Norway had protested the U.S. , "wrote Lysbakken through his Twitter account .
Leader of the Liberal Party Venstre , Trine Skei Grande , then urged Prime Minister Erna Solberg hard to immediately act on the wiretapping scandal .
Norwegian intelligence knows
But the Norwegian Intelligence Agency hastily clarified . According to the Norwegian Intelligence Service chief , Lieutenant General Kjell Grandhagen , tapping action against the Norwegians carried out by institutional leaders themselves . Results leads were then distributed to the Norwegian Intelligence Agency NSA the name of security .
" This is data collected Norwegian Intelligence Agency to support military operations in addressing our country overseas conflicts , or related to the fight against terrorism is also happening outside , " said Grandhagen .
The data is not used against the citizens of Norway and endanger themselves , but also shared to protect U.S. citizens . According Grandhagen , data obtained Norwegian Intelligence Agency in the form of meta data which only includes long duration of the conversation , the caller's number , recipient number , and location of the call was made .
However Grandhagen recognition is inconsistent with leaked documents Snowden . Because the document was not called wiretapping act deliberately done voluntarily by the Norwegian Intelligence Agency and the results were distributed to the NSA .
While the U.S. Embassy in the capital of Norway , Oslo , refused to comment on the exposure of the hacking scandal there . " When it comes to intelligence activities , we will not comment on an individual case-by . U.S. conduct intelligence gathering outside , the same as that of other countries , "said U.S. Embassy representatives .

RI Stop Cooperation, Australia's Two Major Losses

Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott ketika mengunjungi Indonesia.
Indonesia started to reduce the degree of relation to Australia after withdrawing its ambassador from Canberra . Indonesian government was reviewing all cooperation with the land of kangaroos , including in the field of combating terrorism that has been running very well .
Law Commission member Eva Kusuma Sundari assess harsh measures taken by Indonesia Australia extremely harmful , especially in the field of counter-terrorism which has become a major concern after dozens of Australian citizens were killed in the Bali bombing tragedy in 2002 and 2005 .
" Although Australia is providing assistance to the Anti - Terror Detachment 88 , but they really need the information from the RI . Indonesia does not have the guts so small , " Eva said in Jakarta on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 . According to him , even relying on the Indonesia Australia about the handling of terrorism .
Eva believes Indonesia actually more expert in counter-terrorism , because the Police have a lot to handle and catch the perpetrators of terrorism . " Here, Australia's only user , who rely on Indonesia to obtain information , " he said .
In addition to terrorism , cooperation in the issue of human trafficking Indonesia also now be re-examined . In fact , says Eva , Indonesian workers in Australia are illegal immigrants or people dealing with doubters . " Indonesia has been used as a dike to hold back the waves of thousands of immigrants who want to go to Australia , " said the PDI-P politician .

In contrast , Indonesia is not too hurt when lower quality relationship with Australia . From a business standpoint , said Eva , Indonesia is the biggest investor from Japan , USA , and China . Therefore, the Indonesian government did not need to worry .
" If the import of meat from Australia we stop , it could turn to India . Gratitude when could boost domestic production . RI reality is not so dependent on Australia , but on the contrary , "said Eva .
Separately , Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said the Indonesian government has started to reduce the degree of its partnership with Australia . " It has been our doing . Australia was starting to feel it . Like a water faucet , Indonesia has kucurannya shrink little by little , " he said .
Any steps taken by the government of Indonesia , according to Marty , carried out in accordance with the measured responses and attitudes of Australia .


Site Indonesia have started down the same australia
down a few sites that had started to recover as klikbca.com and kaskus.co.id.

- www.viva.co.id
- www.kaskus.co.id
- www.garuda-indonesia.com
- www.polri.go.id

 10.00 20 SEPTEMBER 2013 




- www.detik.com
- www.viva.co.id
- www.kaskus.com
- www.kpk.go.id
- www.viva.co.id
- www.kaskus.co.id
- www.garuda-indonesia.com
- www.polri.go.id

LOOK THIS SITE FROM YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_MtNEhDrps8

For the governments and corporations facing increasing computer attacks, the biggest challenge is finding the right cyber warriors to fight back.
FOLLOW GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE GUNS ON FACEBOOK! Hostile computer activity from spies, saboteurs, competitors and criminals has spawned a growing industry of corporate defenders who can attract the best talent from government cyber units.
The U.S. military’s Cyber Command is due to quadruple in size by 2015 with 4,000 new personnel while Britain announced a new Joint Cyber Reserve last month. From Brazil to Indonesia, similar forces have been set up.
But demand for specialists has far outpaced the number of those qualified to do the job, leading to a staffing crunch as talent is poached by competitors offering big salaries.
“As with anything, it really comes down to human capital and there simply isn’t enough of it,” says Chris Finan, White House director for cyber security from 2011-12, who is now a senior fellow at the Truman National Security Project and working for a start-up in Silicon Valley.
“They will choose where they work based on salary, lifestyle and the lack of an interfering bureaucracy and that makes it particularly hard to get them into government.”
Cyber attacks can be expensive: one unidentified London-listed company incurred losses of 800 million pounds ($1.29 billion) in a cyber attack several years ago, according to the British security services.

Read more at http://girlsjustwannahaveguns.com/2013/10/cyber-warfare-cyber-warrior-shortage-hits-anti-hacker-fightback/#Ej4mc7Kdu0V7Q5Yu.99

For the governments and corporations facing increasing computer attacks, the biggest challenge is finding the right cyber warriors to fight back.
FOLLOW GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE GUNS ON FACEBOOK! Hostile computer activity from spies, saboteurs, competitors and criminals has spawned a growing industry of corporate defenders who can attract the best talent from government cyber units.
The U.S. military’s Cyber Command is due to quadruple in size by 2015 with 4,000 new personnel while Britain announced a new Joint Cyber Reserve last month. From Brazil to Indonesia, similar forces have been set up.
But demand for specialists has far outpaced the number of those qualified to do the job, leading to a staffing crunch as talent is poached by competitors offering big salaries.
“As with anything, it really comes down to human capital and there simply isn’t enough of it,” says Chris Finan, White House director for cyber security from 2011-12, who is now a senior fellow at the Truman National Security Project and working for a start-up in Silicon Valley.
“They will choose where they work based on salary, lifestyle and the lack of an interfering bureaucracy and that makes it particularly hard to get them into government.”
Cyber attacks can be expensive: one unidentified London-listed company incurred losses of 800 million pounds ($1.29 billion) in a cyber attack several years ago, according to the British security services.

Read more at http://girlsjustwannahaveguns.com/2013/10/cyber-warfare-cyber-warrior-shortage-hits-anti-hacker-fightback/#Ej4mc7Kdu0V7Q5Yu.99

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


we played off each malaysia
There are some irregularities contained in the Pastebin post that reportedly written by Anonymous Anonymous Australia to Indonesia .
Irregularities are found in the rules of the language used . Quoted from KBBI , using the Indonesian language rules DM ( Explained - Certify ) , while English uses language rules MD ( Describe - Explained ) .
There was a presumption that if the electronic writing is also Malaysia or Bangladesh , because some time ago , the hacker from Bangladesh back ruffled universe disharmony hackers and cyber Indonesia Indonesia and Malaysia .
Here are some peculiarities that exist .
" People in Australia that have not INVOLVED in this war , Became Suffering . " The last word should have used " suffer " alone .
" Who want a cc number Indonesian . " Should be, " Who want 's Indonesian cc numbers . "
" a cc number. " In the uploaded copy paste in pastebin no CC or Credit Card data is published , but only line cost and the use of " a " is only used for something singular instead of plural , while those posted more than one .
" At the start we just take over your airport system . " English should either formal or informal is also the " At the beginning . "
" How come . " Australia is a commonwealth country of England and in the UK alone , the phrase " How come " rarely used . The average British commonwealth countries or also in the UK alone over using the phrase , " How could it be . " How come is often used by several countries , including Indonesia, to adopt the slang phrase of the United States .
" The system has important system in the country . " Should " Those systems has important role ... "
"You can do it like us ? " If interpreted in Indonesian as well as by using shades of Indonesia is " You can do as we do ? " But the sentence is very wrong when seen from the composition of English grammar . In English it should be, " Can you do it like us ? "
" ... not only deface the site such as charity , church or innocent ones ? ? ?" In English grammar , every time there is " .. not only .. " is obligatory to use " .. but .. "
" We just take down your system ... " Supposedly "We just took down ... "
Some irregularities in the above is only a handful that can be analyzed . There might be some other words that also proves that electronic mail is not made ​​by Anonymous Australia , but third-party

Hackers DDoS Malaysia Plan Download Website Indonesia

BANDUNG - Ciwidey SOUTH COUNTRY CYBER - Cyber4rt - After a couple of days ago dozens of sites . " My " many dideface Malaysia by Indonesian hackers , because according to news circulating , Hacker Indonesia did not accept the claim Culture Dance Tor - Tor and Gordang Part undertaken Malaysian government .http://cirebon-cyber4rt.blogspot.com/2012/06/hacker-malaysia-berencana-men-ddos.html

Image source : Devil Hacker Group

Not accept the behavior Indonesian Hacker who hack tens or even hundreds of sites Malasyia government , Hacker Malasyia planning a counterattack . Is to perform the method of DDoS attacks ( Distributed Denial of Service ) and their main target is the website address at http://www.indonesia.go.id/ .

The attack was scheduled to be held on June 20 , 2012 at 08:15 PM right on this night .Whether the news is true or just a mere bluff ? We await further news .

So my post on Hacker Malaysia Plan Download Website DDoS Indonesia , may be useful for my friend .


Jakarta - Alleged Malaysian hacker behind the actionData hacking Angkasa Pura and Garuda siteIndonesia makes Indonesian hacker circlesgrowled . In a Facebook page , startedOp Malaysia's invitation to appear oragainst Malaysia through cyberspace . Solicitation crush Malaysia began garneringthrough social media with a Facebook accountnamed Rendy . It contained an eventthe state plans to cyber attacksneighboring . The plan , this movement would take place on23 November 2013 . This means that in 7coming days will appear cyber attacksfrom Indonesia to Malaysia . However , the facebook page is notanyone specified a target of attacks and formsattack would do wellsympathizers . Only registered onlyabout writing about hatredMalaysia only. At least , there are about 55 usersFacebook is planning toThis successful action . Noted , there are stillsome parties are invited tofollow Op Malaysia , but they have notconfirmed on a keikutsertaanny or not . Assumption that Malaysia is so mastermindpitting Australian and Indonesian hackeritself was first appeared in a pagefanspage on Facebook . by nameAnonymous Hacker Indonesia , there is anews said that it appeared that makes tantrum and hot cyber worldIndonesia and Australia are the other parties . Written in these pages , " DalangIndonesia turns to cyber attacks fromMalaysia . " It is said that these allegationscame after several members in ahackers forum also discussing this . List INDONESIA Cyber ​​Alumni Group AttacksWill Israel to devour In LawMalaysia 01 . INDONESIA FIGHTER CYBER | 02 . CyberSecurity Team | 03 . Indonesian Hacking Groups | 04 . IDCA | KRA - Coder | 05 . Blackhat GARUT CYBER FIGHTER | 06 . Clown - Team | 07 . Indonesia Security Down | 08 . Ofprogrammer Team | 09 . PCC - Team | 10 . The Cyber ​​Heroez | 11 . S.O.S malware ghost VPN | 12 . Anonymous Cyber ​​04 | 13 . Gembel Black Cracker 's | 14 . Cyber ​​Brother | 15 . Blackc0de | 16 . Sulawesi HACKER TEAM | 17 . Ranau Hacker Guardian | 18 . Ternate Keep_siL3nt Crew | 19 . Amikom Cyber ​​Team | 20 . Bengkulu Hacker Team | 21 . Palembang Hacker Link | 22 . Cyber4rt | 23 . Team Common Man | 24 . Yogyakarta - Cyb erShadow | 25 . Indonesian Hacker Team | 26 . Indonesian Hacker | 27 . Java Defacer Team | 28 . 207 Cyber ​​Security | 29 . Ravaz CyberTea ` m | 30 . Surabaya Blackhat | 31 . Prabumulih Hacker Team | 32 . Lampung cyber black heart | 33 . Sund4nyM0uz Corporation | 34 . Android Cyber ​​Fighter | 35 . Bekasi Cyber ​​| 36 . ISD | 37.SHRI | 38 . Greget Hacking Team | 39 . Hacker Kingdom Team River | 40 . HN Community | XCode | 41 . JOKERHAT HACKERS | 42 . Klaten Hacker Team | 43 . Jogja Hacker Team | 44 . Blackhat Bandung | 45 . Zone - Injector | 46 . Deface ZONE | 47 . Malang Cyber ​​Crew | 48 . Hiddenymouz | 49 . Sulawesi HACKER TEAM | 50 . $ 03B4NK Brother 's | 51 . Cyber ​​R | P - H | T | 52 . Light Cyber ​​Indonesia | 53 . Warcops Cyber ​​Team | 54 . PERAWANGCYBER | 56 . Cyber ​​DeathRace Ahmed | 57 . New Team and Attacker_404 Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Team | 58 . Greget Hacking Team | 59 . Shadow soldier | 60 . KayuagungCyber ​​Team | 61 . Cyber ​​Underground Activit , Minang_Cyber ​​| 62 . TKSI Black Team | 63 . Makassar hacker team | 64 . Palembang Hecker | 65 . Kukuruyuk dlooo jihad om 66 . Anonymous | 67.Aceh Cyber ​​Team | 68 . Hacker Newbie | 69 . Lampung Cyber ​​Hacker Team | 70 . Majalengka Cyber ​​Hacker Team | 71 . Suwong cyberteam premen | 72 . Umm Exploit Hacking | 73 . Server Corporation Team | 74 . Ravaz CyberTea ` n | 75 . Anonymous 56 | 76 . CYBER SAGA FIGHTER 5 | 77 . Black trash Crackker 's | 78 . Hidden School Hacker | 79 . LastCyber ​​Team | 80 . Ariel Noah cyber team | 81 . X - code | 82 . Binus Hacker | 83 . Devilzc0de | 84 . IndoCyberMafia Sec | 85 . Awesome Crew | 86 . TNG cyber Tangerang | 87 . Hc - Crew | 88 . SP Cyber ​​Team | 89 . Bekasi Cyber ​​| 90 . Cockroaches H4CK3R T34M | 91 . Team Royale ! | 92 . Binhacker Tunggal Ika | 93 . Ravaz ' CyberTeam | 94 . CYBER stakes | 95.Hidden - Name Corp | 96 . Muslim Muwahhid | 97 . Anonymous Sixcents School | 98 . Lampung Defacer Team | 99 . Z IndonesianyMOu Corporation | 100 . Jawabarat Cyber ​​Jihad
2 hours ago

Hacker Indonesia. Hackers World's Best!?

Recent data from the compass cited Akamai noted that Indonesia is currently ranked first most countries cyber attacks . Some sites Autralia ' beaten ' hackers homeland gan , mm effect many who recognize that Indonesia has a quality number one hacker in the world . Following rumors of the two dariperingkat 20 top hackers in the world comes from Indonesia . That said , they usually use a nickname Hmei7 and Kamtiez . Even hackers from Indonesia initials Bi4kkob4r succeeded in breaking down the walls of Facebook security . And with Facebook's security system breakdown , Bi4kkob4r managed to get the reward money of USD 2,000 or equivalent to Rp 22.7 million , because Facebook always give reward money to anyone who has managed to break into .hackers
Just a little shre that no Indonesian hacker who reap the glorious achievements Geovedi Yag Jim managed to change the direction of motion of the satellite as a speaker on the BBC news in the year 2006 . Even Americans admit it . At least Americans have had bullied by hackers from the homeland .
Clearly Indonesia has to get rid of China , formerly known as the most frequent cyber attacks . According to a quarterly report released last October Akamai , Indonesia accounted for 38 percent of Internet traffic related to hacking server in the second quarter of 2013. The figure was up from 21 percent in the first quarter of 2013.


After successfully attacking a number of websites with a password Australian war # OpAutralia , now social media universe crowded with starting the movement # OpMalaysia solicitation .
[ Indonesian Hacker Calls # OpMalaysia ]
Movement 's own # OpMalaysia crowded appear in your Twitter timeline and Facebook after it was rumored that the hacker from Malaysia is the main mastermind group Anonymous dispute between Indonesia and Australia . They are considered to have pitted the two sides .
Previously, the rumored site Angkasa Pura and Garuda Indonesia had been hacked ( hacking ) and lose a number of key corporate data . Australia reported that the Anonymous was responsible for the attack.

But lately the rumor emerged that the Malaysian hackers hacking mastermind who became two important sites of the Indonesian air transportation .
In fact, the Hacker News website has published video Anonymous Australia's official statements which explicitly states that the perpetrators of cyber attacks Indonesia is not a party to them .
" Representing Australia Anonymous , we declare that we reject the claim that Anonymous has struck Indonesia Australia , " they said in the video .
Movement # OpMalysia itself reportedly will take place on November 23, 2013. However it should be remembered , is not yet known where the first group of hackers called the attack # OpMalaysia . Indonesian Anonymous group itself has not given a statement related to the cyber attacks that neighboring countries . - See more at : http://blogginmum.blogspot.com/2013/11/setelah-australia-hacker-indonesia.html # sthash.do0AnAIj.dpuf

Indonesian government and Respond to Cyber ​​War australia Australia-Indonesia

JAKARTA - Action wiretaps conducted on a number of high-ranking Indonesian Australia is certainly disappointing , respond to various criticisms arose such espionage . One of them carried Anonymous cyber attacks Indonesia to a number of Australia website .
However, some time after the Indonesian hacker cyber attacks , those who claim to be Anonymous hackers Indonesia warned Australia not to attack innocent websites . Shortly after the warning, the party claiming to be Anonymous Australia claimed to have hacked various websites in Indonesia , among others, are soloairport.com , Garuda of Indonesia Airways , Angkasa Pura , and education .
Previously , word got out that Anonymous from Indonesia has made peratasan on various strategic infrastructure owned by the Australian government . This information in turn sparked unrest , debate and question marks from various parties about what actually happened .
Ministry of Communications through Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure / Coordination Center ( Id-SIRTII/CC ) continues to rapidly investigate and coordinate with the Australian Computer Emergency Response Team ( CERT - Australia ) related to the information and continue to keep this information do not add to the tension between individual countries . The results of the investigation so far to suggest that the information can not be accounted for circulating the truth .
" The news related to hacking is considered to be very potential to trigger unrest from each party , especially internet users to use the internet safely and healthy . Even further , it can be used by those who want to take advantage of situations that are not clear this , "said Head of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Communication and Information Gatot S. Dewa Broto , the official statement on Wednesday ( 20/11/2013 ) .
Disappointment and anger Indonesian attitudes towards Australia , said Billy , can be fully understood and very potentially disrupt diplomatic relations between the two countries . However, efforts to reverse hacking demonstratively that can not be accounted for , except to aggravate the situation , also potentially violated Law. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions as follows :
1 . Article 28 : ( 1 ) Any person intentionally and without right of spreading false news and misleading consumers resulting in losses in Electronic Transaction , and ( 2 ) Any person intentionally and without right to disseminate information that is intended to cause hatred or hostility individual and / or a particular group of people based on ethnicity, religion , race , and intergroup ( SARA ) .
2 . Article 29 : Any person intentionally and without right to send electronic information and / or Electronic Document that contains threats of violence or scare addressed personally .
3 . Article 30 : ( 1 ) Any person intentionally and without right or unlawful access to computer and / or the other person belongs to Electronic Systems in any way , (2 ) Any person intentionally and without right or unlawful access to computer and / or System electronically in any way with the aim of obtaining electronic Information and / or electronic Document and ( 3 ) any person intentionally and without right or unlawful access to computer and / or electronic System in any way to violate , break through , beyond , or break down the security system .
Therefore, the managers of strategic internet infrastructure so that in situations like this is not easily taken in by the variety of information that can not be accounted for truth and continue to provide awareness and a sense of security for Internet users . Moreover , the managers of strategic internet infrastructure should remain a high priority to the attitude of vigilance and keep its Internet infrastructure , and immediately report and coordinate with Id-SIRTII/CC if found suspicious things on internet security conditions in Indonesia.

Indonesian Defense Weak Confront Hacker Attacks

JAKARTA - Indonesian Anonymous hackers hacking action in response to tapping carried Australia to a number of Indonesian officials , should also be strengthened with the defense system of IT ( information technology ) country. If not , it will hurt and give bad impact on relations between the two countries .
Which became the base of the problem or the beginning of the event is the tapping action by Australia to Indonesian officials . This could be a prod for the government of Indonesia to begin seriously and consciously improve security in the IT field .
" All technology should be audited . We also need to know the correct source code for security guarantees , " said Specialist Computing in Indonesia , I Made Wiryana to Okezone through telephone conversations , Tuesday ( 19/11/2013 ) . He said , as there Andoid platform source code , so it can be added to the cryptographic module for encryption ( password ) .
He said the hacker attacks that could be based on a sense of nationalism or vandalism ( destruction ) . " The reason this attack could be due to nationalism or vandalism . Much love , the problem is rarely the defense likes to do , " said Made .
Therefore , in order to discuss about the hacker attack and defense TI Indonesia , Made said that the meeting had been held CAI ( Community Security Information ) or FORMATION ( Information Security Forum ) with Indonesia Security Incident Responses Team on Internet Infrastructure ( ID - SIRTII ) on 17 November 2013 .
" Yesterday it was held KKI , the 17 November 2013 meeting by ID - SIRTII , discuss this ( way out ) how , not the manas - manasin . Database is important , " he explained . He said , that could have been affected in terms of the country's economy and disrupt others . " We must be wise , as an organization we are weak that there is a risk of revenge attacks , " he concluded