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Friday, November 15, 2013

Huge Document Leaked From Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Huge Document Leaked From Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Anonymous hacktivist have today again released another heap of documents from another Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Today’s target turns out to be Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs (http://mfa.gov.ua/ua) and comes from the same anonymous hacktivist who last week leaked data from Poland’s ministry of economy. This data leak seems to be more focused back on the oil and gas company’s from various country’s, some of which we have seen attacked and leaked before by the same hacktivist.
CyberGuerrilla writes.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Massive DOCS leak. MFA.GOV.UA hacked
Greetings fellow lulz!
Sailing a thousand miles, a thousand seas we cross them all internally,
So today we present you Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine -
first part of the massive release is dedicated to His Emminence -
Ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan – Alexander Mischenko – literally
we managed to hack into Ukraine ISP EuroTraceTelcom and thus pwned
all emails in the domain <<mfa.gov.ua>>
We started our release from Ukraine Embassy to Azerbajan because
We are very much concerned about state of affairs in UKR AZERI
relations in terms of Oil and Gas trade and we know that much of it
has to do with Former Prime Minister of Ukraine – Tymoshenko
“never to happen release” – Ukraine Government is so fucked up
bullshitting Europe about it’s intentions to become a member of EU pursuing
European Democracy Postulates – hell yeah they lie in such an
arrogant manner – so to cut the crap short -
Azeri oil groups have lotsa funky stuff related to Tymoshenko deals
back in a day and Ukraine Embassy keeps lot of it in secret so
we want them to start shake a little by making this public.
Lotsa stuff in there related to Ukraine Naftogaz CEO Bakulin and his
FSB affairs, Ukraine Ministers and Parliament, UAE and Azerbaijan Oil Groups,
Military Cargo traffic and much more fun
They have posted a link to a imgur gallery which can be viewed below and has contents like photocopy’s of american passports and documents from British embassy’s, ministry’s and ambassadors, shipping receipts and other documents in non English language. There is also a weapons manifest in the imgur gallery below which outlines exactly what and how much weapons they are using for the oil fields and gas company’s security.
There is also a leak file that has been uploaded to bayfiles and is a 254mb rar file, when uncompressed contains 774 of documents totaling 347mb. These leak documents contain further information linking the Ukraine to Azerbaijan who in the past has had big data leaks from anonymous.

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