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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


What's Hot - When examined further , the hacker world is indeed very interesting to dive , especially when they know that it is still a very young age , and most of them are still in junior high and high school. Muhammad Isfahani example , owner & founder in Computer Network Engineering of Indonesia , admitted learning about hacking since 2nd grade junior high school , but had to learn computer programming languages ​​since the 4th grade . Isfahani who has a name of the virtual world was deeply interested zp3nz4s clicking - exploit exploit website and database , although not want to be called a hacker . " Yesterday I was challenged to hack the website of the Turkish state data management , " he said . CEO and programmer in Spensav Antivirus also revealed that there are two kinds of hackers , the hacker black hat and a black or white or white hat hackers . Generally , white hat hackers do not want to be called , they prefer to be called a programmer . White Hat community is usually to help the websites to appear with a warning that the website has a bug , while Black Hat , is a hacker community that focuses just want to increase the popularity of the name . Isfahani who was still sitting on the bench SMK Al Depok immigrants were admitted daily like other high school kids , stay in school despite often late to school because of staying up . "If the level - levelan I think there is not , because the majority of hackers in Indonesia took us all the same, there's no term mastah / newbie , " he said . Isfahani obsession itself is secure websites like Indonesia and from his own community , want to deface websites that berkonten pornography , spam , phishing , viruses , gambling , and others . " However , many Indonesian children who can be abused even hacking hack websites for Indonesia to make her ' FAMOUS ' and I had heard the news yesterday , that he just wanted to hack web Indonesia on TV , " he said .

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