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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hacker Fail Root Arrested and Computers Seized

A hacker who use’s the handle @FailRooT has said to of been arrested and had computers seized as part of a investigation into the hacking by the team they ran called @MetalSoftTeam.
Metal Soft Team has been around for some time now and have made a name for themselves as defacers, hacking sites and leaving them with new pages or modifications to current pages.
The news website http://www.soychile.cl which is based in Spanish language explains that Fail Root was just 15years old and has been hacking since they was 8.
The PDI (Chile police department) has stated they Fail Root has been released while the investigations continue in to the hackers group Metal soft Team.
The article also explains that the starting point for this investigation was a hospital that was attacked, they have not stated which hospital this is.
Source: http://www.soychile.cl

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