Saturday, November 12, 2011 . Heard a terrible explosion at the missile base at Bid Ganeh Alghadir , west of Tehran . Shaking felt up to 30 miles away. The
explosion killed 17 members of Iran's elite teams , including Major
General Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam , the architect missile program states.Although
the investigation has not been called , hastily Iran insists that the
boom is not due to enemy sabotage committed by their bebuyutan . " The case is purely an accident , when the central force transfer ammunition . Nothing to do with Israel or the United States, "said Major General Hassan Firouzabadi , head of Iran's military staff .In
fact, the world is now mafhum , that's one example that shows how cyber
war ( cyberwar ) is no longer just a fictional tale , but has become a
real part of this world arena .And
Iran is one of the frequently been the target of cyber attack Israel -
which got full support United States - particularly regarding Iran's
efforts to enrich uranium , a major component of nuclear .Stuxnet malware attack on Iranian nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz in 2009, then was one of the proofs . Stuxnet
was able to infiltrate and sabotage the system by slowing or
accelerating the motor, make spinning even far above the speed limit . This would destroy the centrifuge speed or at least vitiate the instrument 's ability to produce uranium fuel .The
most advanced malware and most spectacular ever made throughout the
history of the many recognized among the most intelligent attack . Confession
was not coming from any of them, but among the world's top peacekeeping
industrial applications such as Symantec ( United States), Kaspersky (
Russia ) , and F -Secure (Finland ) .One notes : This attack can only be done only with the support of the government of a particular country . This is because Stuxnet consists of complex computer programs that manufacturing requires diverse skills . It is very sophisticated and requires huge funds to create it. Not many groups capable of launching such attacks .The expert workmanship Symantec Stuxnet takes energy estimate of 5 to 30 people within six months . In addition, the control system industry knowledge required and access to the system to perform quality testing . Again, this mengindikaskan that Stuxnet is a highly organized project and dibekingi large fund ." We really have not seen worms like this before , " said Liam O'Murchu , researchers Symantec Security Response . "The fact that this worm can control how the physical machine would work very worrying . "Stuxnet own 100 percent is directed cyber attack aimed at destroying an industrial process in the real world . Many security experts agree : Israel and the United States engaged in the virtual attack .And sure enough .February
2011, the Daily Telegraph , the original English daily , preaching in a
farewell ceremony at the Israeli Defense Forces ( IDF ) , Gabi
Ashkenazi , the former IDF chief of staff , said Stuxnet is one of the
major success he currently leads the board .In
May 2011 , Need To Know , a weekly program of PBS TV stations , United
States, also shows the statement Gary Samore , White House Coordinator
for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction . "
We are pleased that they ( Iran ) have trouble with their centrifuge
machines , and we - the United States and its allies - will do whatever
we can to ensure that they will face a more complicated problem , "
Samore said .fifth dimensionCyber universe has even now sit as the fifth dimension of war - after land, sea , air, and outer space . Innovations in technology have changed tactics in modern-day conflicts in the virtual world and make a new battlefield .Many contemporary devices has been made to this requirement . Aided
by technological advances electromagnetic and information and
communications technology , a form of electronic combat and make
government has created various countries see the virtual world war as
the biggest threat in the future .Alon
Ben David , military analyst from Channel 10 Israel says: " If you have
some smart person and a good computer , you can do many things . You do not have aircraft, tanks, troops . You can enter other countries , creating huge damage without having to leave your plush armchair , " said him .In
an exclusive report in the French daily Le Monde , journalist Nicky
Hager low presence of works belonging to unit installation Urim 8200 ,
which is one of the biggest espionage installations in the world, on par
with the U.S. owned installation at Menwith Hill , Yorkshire , England .Installation
that was built over a decade ago that initially were only monitored the
international discourse on Intelsat satellite network and telephone
relay station between large countries . But now it also oversees the conversation via Inmarsat satellites , also tap undersea cables .According
to insider sources , installation of computers in the Negev can be
programmed to sort out the words as well as various messages on a
telephone conversation , email, and data diintersepnya . Messages
that successfully tapped directly sent to the headquarters of Unit 8200
at Camp Glilot in the city of Herzliya , north of Tel Aviv .It
was here that the messages from a variety of languages are translated
and forwarded to the Mossad agents in other countries as well as a
variety of other interested bodies .That should be noted from 8200 units are elite cyber team strength . Disability and Israeli obsession to have a reliable cyber strength , has started since the 1990s. At that time the hacker ( hacker ) Israel disodori only two choices : go to jail or join the unit .Now , the results are not kidding. A
consultant in the U.S. reckon the unit as one of the world's biggest
cyber threats , as well as China , Russia , Iran , and France . Stuxnet is one of konkretnya evidence .Cyber forcesThe strength of an army is determined by the ability of cyber attack , defense , and dependence of a country on the Internet . In the book "Cyber War" , the original U.S. computer security expert and professor at Harvard University Richard A. Clarke and Robert A. Knake map the strength of the countries in the face of cyber war .United
States, though have a good offensive ability , do not have the ability
to decide when attacked Internet network , given some of the country's
largest Internet network owned and operated by the private sector. Instead , China has decided to go across the Internet network capacity in a time when the country is attacked. China is also capable of limiting the traffic utilization , to break the connection from the user that is not too interested .But the most sustainable assessed if there is a virtual world war , according to Clarke , is North Korea . Nation will disconnect its Internet connection with easier rather than China . Arguably
North Korea will not suffer losses due to cyber attack enemies , since
no critical infrastructure such as power stations , train lines , or
lines of pipe connected to the Internet .Then , what about Indonesia ?Muhammad
Salahuddien , Attorney General of Indonesia Security Incident Response
Team on Internet Infrastructure Kingmaker (Id - SIRTII ) mentions , in
the state of cyber war is also not new . As
other cyber wars that punctuate political tension and the relationship
between Indonesia and other countries , Indonesia has begun to engage
cyber war over a decade ago - from its cyber war with Portugal in 1999 ,
with Australia , Malaysia to cyberwar with some last year .Unfortunately
, according to one of the hacker group pentolan Antihackerlink , Arief
Wicaksono , the ability of cyber activists said Indonesia could still
Mumpuni . It is because , in a nation 's hacker is usually strongly influenced by the quality of the Internet infrastructure and tariff ." In terms of the quantity may indeed many incidents that originated from Indonesia . But
from the side , the quality of the Indonesian hacker skills are less
than optimal , " Arief said that now the coordinator of the Research and
Development Antihackerlink .Therefore
, according to him , cyber warfare attacks in Indonesia still limited
to defacing or change the look of a website design . This type of attack can be counted only to embarrass , but is not harmful distinction .But
, in line with the growth of the Internet in Indonesia is so fast , he
believes more strategic infrastructure and public services will be
increasingly dependent on information systems , technology , and the
Internet connection , so vulnerable to cyber attacks .According Salahuddien , now regular Internet subscribers Indonesia there are about 60 million . Around 90 million mobile users also have access to the Internet . In the next two years , said Didien , Indonesian Internet users are estimated to reach around 150 million people .If
it is so , he warned, " The threat of information warfare and cyber
attacks are on the rise and become the main battlefield in the future,
including in Indonesia
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